Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wed. August 6th, 7:00PM - Next Official Night Meet & BBQ

Hey All,

Well, it's been a busy summer with lots of us getting our RC "itch" scratched at various places, but it's time to get back to some good 'ol Spec Class Races / Practice at our next Official Meet Up. As usual, the meets are not just about the Spec Class Races...the track is open for general driving and there should be a good deal of show and tell going on too!

If you plan on stopping by and joining in on the action, please feel to let us know by leaving a comment on the message boards here.

So please, come on down and have some fun and laughs and help kick off our first ever meet at Mother's Raceway in Foster City! (formerly located in South San Francisco).

We will also be grilling up some Kosher Hot Dogs for all. If you plan on coming and would like to bring something for the BBQ, the club would truly appreciate it.


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