Coming soon will be a full selection of merchandise that feature an all new logo for the Bay Area Peninsula RC Club. All sales will go towards paying for the web expenses as well as accumulating track hardware for a portable track and other supplies.
To become an official member, just send your basic info (Name, email address, city, list of cars/trucks) to:
(Forums are temporarily unavailable. We'll work to get them back up ASAP - please check back soon)
Forums / Message Boards. The 'boards have the latest information on when/where we will be meeting next, what we are currently up to, etc.
Please spend a few minutes checking them out, posting any information you would like to share, or asking questions you would like to submit to the larger group.
BAP-RC Club in Action: Slideshow - Click Play to View
Welcome to the Bay Area Peninsula RC Club.
Q: What is theBAPRC Club? A: Where Bay Area RC Enthusiasts come together to share their passion for the best hobby in the world!
If you are an RC car enthusiast, we already consider you a member. We are always looking for new people and meet regularly to share tips, stories, and of course, drive! All types of cars and trucks are welcome.
Bay Area Peninsula RC Club is a Non-Profit Organization dedicated to spreading the Radio Control Car Hobby in the San Francisco Bay Area. Membership is currently free.
Nice logo, who came up with that?
I did. Glad you like it!
Sweet! I like it a lot, its a good one color logo that gets the point across. It should be easy to reproduce on Ts and decals. Good work.
Knytemare is the man!! From what I heard, he will be purchasing some of us our first T-Shirt once they become available. ;)
Hahahaha you're funny. You're gonna give me the money so I can do that right?
Glad you like the logo!
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