OK Folks....We are "a go" for our first "official" meet-up - and Saturday morning it is (3/22). We will be meeting at RCRookie's work parking lot, hence forth known as "Mother's Raceway", located in South City, just off 101. Why is it called "Mother's" you ask? Come down and you will definitely figure it out.
We will be arriving at 10, and will hopefully have some coffee/donuts available. :) We will also (most likely) have access to some power, but if not, our Full scale vehicles are right there for us to grab a little 12 volt action.
At this point, it looks like I may be the only one who might have time to put some jumps together, so if you have anything that might work, please feel free to bring it out.
Here is a map of "Mother's Raceway".
I'm there, count me in. I'll be bringing my TC3 and RC18T.
Awesome! It looks like we will have a decent amount of people so far.
In addition to club members, I know of a few "newbies" who might drop by to check it out, even though they don't own cars. Hopefully they will get "the itch" once they see 'em in action. :)
cool. almost sure i'll be there. may just be for an hour,. will the track layout accommodate 1/10 scalers?
Yup, 1/10 should be fine. The track will be about 70ft long by 30ft wide with 8 ft wide lanes. Sure hope you can make it!
If people don't mind my newbie driving skills there, I'll most likely make the trek from Alameda.
Mind your newbies skills?? Of course not!! A few of the members are newbies as well. :) We are all there to have fun, so please, come on down!
Cool I'll bring my savage x and newly acquired Jato.
Another question about Sat... Does anyone have extra 30%, I can't make it to a hobby store in time before sat am. I got cash for a few tanks.
I have some fuel, but I don't remember what the mixture is. I'll check it out and let you know tonight (in the forums).
Found some 33%, I'll be all set for sat, thanks
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