I am sad to report that a good friend of Bay Area RC'ers and Hobby Enthusiasts, and someone who encouraged the creation of the BAPRC Club, passed away suddenly last week. Chances are that if you ever stumbled into Talbot's Toyland during the last 35 years, Frank Rochex helped your Hobby dreams come true with his guidance, abundance of information, and friendly demeanor.
Frank was always someone I could depend on at Talbot's Hobby Department. I literally grew up going to see him, and all the amazing RC Vehicles and Trains in his Dept. It's truly shocking that he is gone at such a young age, and he will be sorely missed. My thoughts and prayer's go out to his family, friends and co-workers. On behalf of the Bay Area Peninsula RC Club, we give our deepest sympathies and condolences.
We hope to put on a club sponsored event at Talbot's Toyland sometime in the coming months, and would appreciate any support you can show to promote the RC hobby, Talbot's Toyland, and most importantly, remember an awesome guy. We think he would really appreciate the gesture.
Thank you.
-Bryan "B-Dog"
Loyal Talbot's Toyland customer of 30 years.