Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Why I like this club, and why you just might as well!

I have been a part of this club for almost its entire existence and I have to say, I have no regrets. The people that participate in it are some of the best I have met in this hobby. We have people who are into everything from full on racing to creating their own cars from scratch and everything in between. We even have a couple of members who are just starting out and have yet to learn all of the intricacies that this hobby has to offer. The best part though is that they all get together to share good times and everyone benefits from that.

I have seen many clubs come and go as I have been involved in the R/C industry for over 10 years and so far, this is the best bunch of people I have had the privilege of knowing. I willingly come to the events and am guaranteed a good time.

If you haven't yet, join us on the message boards and come be a part of the fun. And no, no one is paying me to write this stuff either, this is genuinely a great group!

-Chris (aka:"Knytemare")


B-Dog said...

Ahh, what a nice compliment! Thanks, Chris! You have been a big part of making this club what it is, and I agree with you fully - This club has some really genuine people in it, and I couldn't have asked for a better group to share the passion of my hobby with. Thank you to everyone for making this club a success and sharing your enthusiasm and positive attitude with all club members!

michelangelo said...

well put chris, b-dog!

it's been totally fun and i couldnt enjoy the meet-ups more! i have a buddy of mine who i just found out is into it (long story) and he has a few work friends who really like the whole spec class racing idea... we may just have a slew of new members soon ;)

thanks you two for making the club a fun place to hang out and enjoy the hobby, no matter what phase or level we are in!

Catalyst said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Catalyst said...

I agree with everything said here and look forward to seeing this club grow and thrive. It's great to find like minded individuals that all share a love for the hobby.

On the flip side...I blame some of you for making my hobby an addiction! LOL

Catalyst said...

Oh and that's my deleted comment...I need to learn to proof my comments before submitting. Damn fingers type faster than my brain sometimes and I'm too anal to leave typos!