Thursday, May 21, 2009

2009 KickOff Meeting: Saturday May 30

Hi All,

It looks like we are going to shoot for Saturday May 30 for our first official Meet Up! Please log on to the boards for more information and, please, LET US KNOW IF YOU PLAN ON ATTENDING.

We are all looking forward to meeting up with everyone then!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Hopbot's New RC18R Paint Job

Hey All,

I just wanted to share a picture with you of an awesome new paint job done by one of the original member's of BAPRCC, Hopbot. Check out his new RC18R Exotek Body:

Fantastic job, Hopbot!

To comment on his sweet new paint job, check out others, and learn painting tips and tricks, check the message boards here.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Vote Now for KickOff Meeting Date

Hi All,

While we have yet to get an "Official 2009 KickOff Meeting" off the ground, an informal get together took place this past Saturday by a few club members for some bashing action at Mother's Raceway.

The original KickOff meeting was postponed due to rain, so we need everyone to log on to the message boards and vote on a Saturday that works for them. We hope to have a strong showing and will be doing a BBQ as well.

As always, friends and family members are strongly encouraged to join any and all of our events. Be sure to vote now so we can get our first meeting scheduled! Let the fun begin!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Hi Everyone,

Unfortunately we had to make the decision to delay our kick off meeting (tomorrow afternoon) due to rain. Let's start discussing a time to reschedule. Please login to the message boards and propose dates that work for you - we will then start another poll to lock down the new time.

Otherwise, we can shoot for next Saturday if that works for most people. Make sure to let us know how you all would like to proceed.

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!